Dairy Olimpics 2023

Exploring Uzbekistan Market from within: It Has a Broad Potential , Experts advise

Day three of the Expert Council in Dairy Intelligence Agency (DIA) finished in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan. The DairyNews Uzbekistan publisher Ravshan Ishnazarov organized a visit to 2 dairy plants (Bio-Sut and Milk House) and a commercial dairy farm. Below we share the professional views on the local dairy market and its future expressed by the trip participants. 

Mikhail Mishchenko,  Dairy Intelligence Agency (DIA) Director:

- We had the Expert Council and a trip from Almaty to Tashkent – a stage of high importance as we are getting ready to the Dairy Olympics. During the trip, we were able to see the enterprises and farms in Uzbekistan and communicate profoundly. I say it with confidence that the event will be very interesting. Today Uzbekistan is heading towards a new level of cooperation with the global market, with Russia in particular, and most importantly, it is actively developing the domestic market. 

A few facts about the Uzbekistan market from Mikhail Mishchenko:

Uzbekistan has deficit in raw milk;
according to official statistics, the country produces 11 million tons of milk;
according to Ravshan Ishnazarov, the production amount is significantly lower: about 7 million tons (including milk produced non-officially);
according to Ravshan Ishnazarov, a cow for local people is a ‘savings book’: they buy it to invest money and make more; 
according to DIA, with the population of 33 million people, the volume of market milk production is 3.8 million tons. Approximately 150 thousand tons of dairy products in terms of raw milk are imported;
local demand is not covered by the domestic production of market milk;

Expert Council delegates visited the factories which are planning to carry out reconstruction and increase capacity, same with the farms which are seeking to increase their livestock;

Relocated Russian veterinarians and livestock specialists are now working in farms in Uzbekistan and are ready to develop the national production.

Yuriy Vlasenko, MARBO Development Director (business program sponsor of the Dairy Olympics):

- We essentially saw two emerging markets of great prospects, in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, And one needs to view these perspectives from within: to keep in touch with local players, visit local enterprises; it is beyond valuable for understanding the market. We are definitely coming to the Dairy Olympics in May!

Alibek Umurzakov, Clever Machines Regional Representative:

— I am grateful to The DairyNews for the opportunity to visit the Expert Council as well as the trip to Tashkent. We heard a lot about the Uzbekistan market, its features, we definitely need to come back and study it further. We will work, we will meet and develop the dairy products market in Central Asia!

Tatyana Koroleva, T.K.E. Agri-Tech Services, Inc. communications officer:
– We learned a lot of new things during this trip. We have a product to introduce to the market of Kazakhstan. It was also great that DIA and The DairyNews organized the trip to Uzbekistan since our company is looking to cover the entire Central Asia market. Now we see there is room for advancement!

We will gladly welcome you at the Dairy Olympics 2023, May 21 to May 26, 2023, in Tashkent. The event venue is the Hilton Tashkent City Hotel, one of the most flamboyant, beautiful and modern places in the city!