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+7 727 310 19 16
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+7 727 310 19 16
May 26
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+7 727 310 19 16
May 26
May 27
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The 15 Dairy Olympics Ankara Turkey
MAY 26
Welcome Cocktail
Welcome to the Dairy Olympics 2024!
Start: 19:00
Place: terrace at the Sheraton Hotel
MAY 27
Summer Dairy Summit | We have to be changed
We have to be changed| May 27
We have to be Changed
Mikhail Mishchenko
Director of The Dairy Intelligence Agency (DIA), Kazakhstan
Dairy Industry and a changing world
Aysegul Selisik
FAO Assistant Representative in Turkiye
Welcome words
Basaran Dogan
Co-founder at Agro TV, Turkiye
Situation in the global dairy market
Piercristiano Brazzale
President of The International Dairy Federation (IDF), Italy, Belgium
Türkiye. New opportunities of the Turkish dairy industry
Ibrahim Yumaklı
Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Türkiye
China - awakened dragon. Perspectives of self-sufficiency
Ken Ward
Vice President Market Development - Asia & Pacific, DeLaval, New Zealand
New transformation of Turkiye's dairy industry
Salih Celik
Livestock GM of general directorate of livestock ministry of agriculture, Turkiye
Asian Switzerland. Challenges for the only surplus region of CA
Tilek Ashimov
Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Livestock Union Kyrgyzstan
Global dairy Trends, drivers and perspectives
Torsten Hemme
Chairman of the Advisory Board, IFCN, Germany
India dairy - Too Big to ignore
Kevin Bellamy
International Dairy Consultant, Netherlands
New program of Kazakh agriculture development. Perspectives and opportunities
Azamat Sginbayev
Executive director of the Republican Chamber of Dairy and Combined Cattle Breeds, Kazakhstan
Business in Uzbekistan. Challenges and Opportunities.
Akram Talibov
International Dairy Consultant, Uzbekistan
The menu: What Sauce To Serve Export And Import To Make The Market Juicy?
Dmitry Dokin
Chairman of the Board of Directors of Shin-Line, Kazakhstan
MAY 28
Main hall | 9:00-10:30
Turkish Dairy Industry. Past and Future | May 28
9:00 – 10:30
9:00 – 10:30
Turkish Dairy Industry. Past and Future
The challenges in the milk value chain and how technology can help : impact for healthy food and sustainable farmer
GM of TETA Teknik Tarım, Türkiye
Dairy farming in Turkey. Portrait of a Turkish farmer
Can Kurt
CEO of Kurtsan Milking and Farm Equipment, Türkiye
Reproduction as a driver of Turkish dairy Farming
Ali Daşkın
Head of Animal Reproduction and AI, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Türkiye
The situation in the dairy sector of Turkiye
Suleyman Bezirgan
Co-Founder of IFCM International Organizations, Turkiye
Benoit Delaloy
Sommet De L'élevage Exhibition, France
MAY 28
2 halls | 11:00-17:00
Dairy Industry | May 28
11:00 – 12:30
11:00 – 12:30
Dairy Plant of the Future
Shelf-life failures of UHT milk and how to prevent them
Stephen Trowell PhD
Founder & Managing Director of PPB Technology Pty Ltd, Australia
New technologies at the Dairy Factory
Nikolay Vasiliev
Commercial Director of TDNT, Russia
Ensure product quality, while lower costs production
Ramil Shakirov
Digital Services Leader, Schneider Electric, Kazakhstan
13:30 – 15:00
13:30 – 15:00
Dairy Products of the Future
Modern dairy products. Trends, forecasts, sources of innovation. CAMEL MILK. Technology challenges and potential for growth
Sergei Kiselev
Head of R&D | Food Technology of Al Ain Company, UAE
Lactoferrin. A Product For The Health Of Future Generations!
Akram Talibov
International Dairy Consultant (Uzbekistan)
Dairy market and its alternative
Rudolf Razevich
CIS Market, Kazakhstan
New way of food production without a bitter aftertaste
Kerem Erikçi, USA/ Türkiye
Soft Cheese. What Should The Market Expect - Explosive Sales Or Overproduction?
Yury Vlasenko
Managing Partner of the Strategic Bureau "The Best Practices", Russia
15:30 – 17:00
15:30 – 17:00
New Technologies Saving Future World
Modern trends in wastewater treatment
Dr. Rustam Kialbekov
CEO ANR Engineering GmbH, Germany
The eternal battle of the Universes: plastic or ecology. Who will win and how to live next?
Alyona Dudnikova
Alkor, Commercial Director, Russia
Bacteriological safety at a dairy site
Zoya Druzhinina
CEO of Eliga 53, Kazakhstan
Dairy Farming | May 28
11:00 – 12:30
11:00 – 12:30
Dairy Farm of the Future
How to manage Dairy Farm through artificial intelligence
Professor Dr. Ahmed Eltighani Elmansouri
CEO of Al Rawabi Dairy Company, UAE
Farm digitalization. What can I do to be the best?
Alexander Medvedev
CEO of Malakhovo Farm (Russia)
Turkish Farm go the Future
Mrs. Ayça Çetinkaya Çöplüoğlu
Export Manager Setuay Milking & Cooling Systems, Türkye
Family Farm today and tomorrow
Alexander Sayapin
Owner of Strelnya Farms, Russia
Why I'm in Dairy? Panel discussion
Mikhail Sayapin
Co-owner of Strelnya Farms, Russia
Professor Dr. Ahmed Eltighani Elmansouri
CEO of Al Rawabi Dairy Company, UAE
Igor Baringolts
Chairman of Board of RM Agro, Tatarstan
Alexander Medvedev
CEO of Malakhovo Farm (Russia)
Social Pressure and New Technologies. Machinery, Feeding, Philosophy
Level of mechanization in livestock production in Germany and other countries
Denis Pronin
Market Development bei Weidemann GmbH, Germany
Modern feeding and efficiency in dairy farming - sustainable farm development
Shannon Fernandez
CEO of Antara Commodities, Malaysia
Technology for high-quality silage production. Main mistakes and ways to solve them
Denis Sever
Limagrain Field Seeds Product Manager (Silage corn), Russia
MAY 29
2 halls | 9:00-12:30
Dairy Industry | May 29
9:00 – 10:30
9:00 – 10:30
Other Milk. SGCH (Sheep, Goat, Camel, Horse)
Technology for production of innovative dairy and fermented milk products from camel milk
Ayan Orazov
Deputy Director for Research, Agrotechnological Institute, Zhangir khan University, Kazakhstan
Kumis production is one of the drivers for the development of the agricultural sector of the Republic of Bashkortostan
Rushan Nabiullin
Kumys of Bashkortostan, Russia
Modern dairy products. Trends, forecasts, sources of innovation. Camel milk. Technology challenges and potential for growth
Sergei Kiselev
Head of R&D, Food technology of Al Ain Company, UAE
11:00 – 12:30
11:00 – 12:30
Management workshop: Economics of a dairy plant. Where does it start and what does it depend on? Financial modeling of a dairy plant
Irina Ivanova
Development Director of IDS, Russia
Dairy Farming | May 29
9:00 – 10:30
9:00 – 10:30
Good Genetics and the Modern Cow
Genetics as key driver of the global dairy development
Daria Iakovishina
CEO at Breedi: SaaS for genomic selection of livestock, Netherlands
The genetic potential of Kazakhstan today and in the future for the next 16 years
Marzhan Zhulanova
CRI, Kazakhstan
Are you Breeding for Sustainability?
Vladimir Pulin
Molvest Farms, Novomarkovskoye, Russia
11:00 – 12:30
11:00 – 12:30
Managing Mega Farm. Management workshop: Technological aspects of farm management
Igor Baringolts
Chairman of Board of RM Agro, Tatarstan
MAY 29
We invite you to the gala dinner, which will be the grand finale of the Dairy Olympics 2024.
Start: 20:00
Place: grand hall at the Sheraton Hotel
The 15 Dairy Olympics Ankara Turkey
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For the Dairy Olympiad 2024
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